How To Organize Skincare In Your Bathroom
A couple years ago professional organizer Ria Safford of RiOrganize came over to organize in my house.
If you haven’t heard of Ria, she is a MASTER organizer. She’s been on The Skinny Confidential before talking about bathroom organization, how to set up a smoothie/morning station, what your kitchen cabinets should look like, how to purge your pantry, & general home organization tips that anyone & everyone can use as a guide.
To get super micro for you, I wanted to share specific skincare organization tips that Ria gave for GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE SUN. As I mentioned in this post featuring Dr. Barbara Sturm, we couldn’t include everything that everyone provided for the book. But we can’t let these tips go to waste.
With that, let’s get right into Ria’s tips for organizing your skincare.
♡ Completely empty your space.
This means drawers, cupboards, shelves…EVERYTHING! Take it all out so you can really see the space you have to work with & can look at your items one by one.
♡ Get rid of items you know you aren’t going to use.
You need to let go of the idea that you’re throwing away money because your items are not gaining value by taking up space in your bathroom. So purge ruthlessly! Get rid of anything you don’t use, you don’t want, that is old, or that you’re just ‘over.’ You’ll see that you’re left with only things that you love!
♡ Don’t buy organizational products until after you’ve organized your space.
Wait until you purge & organize before you purchase dividers or shelves. Purchase for the space you HAVE not the space you WANT. If you have limited space, do not buy a lot of overstock items that will not have a home & will create a more cluttered space.
♡ Organize your products so that they work for YOU!
If you only mask once a week, your mask collection doesn’t need to be at the very front of your drawer.
♡ Lazy Susans or divided turntables…
…whatever you wanna call it… are my favorite organizational products!
Skincare is done in a routine type way, whether it’s daily or weekly. AM & PM is a great way to organize your skincare, but if you don’t have too many products you can do whatever works for you. Incorporate masks, eye patches, oils, cleansers, whatever works! Just make sure it’s placed somewhere that works for you. That might be on your counter or under your sink.
♡ Over-the-door storage system.
If you don’t have much space in your bathroom, an over-the-door storage system can be really helpful.
It basically creates an entire new area for products. Or add shelves! If you are limited on storage space, create space where it didn’t exist! Pick some empty wall space to add simple shelves & create more room for your items. ( Like we did for Lauryn’s bathroom! )
♡ Choose a designated space for your items.
More often than not, there are items in a bathroom that also exist in other spaces of the home. For instance: medicine, tools, batteries, sunscreen. Most of the time things like that have another home where they originated. Like the hallway closet, or a utility closet, or the laundry room. Free up space for your skincare by storing things that are non-essential to the bathroom in another place.
♡ Function over aesthetic, always!
You need your most-used/loved products to be accessible & fit your routine & schedule. Again, this is about what works for YOU. Keep essential items most accessible. You want your bathroom system to be streamlined & help you move through your morning & night routines efficiently.
♡ Display your makeup.
A makeup bag is not a good solution for the everyday use–you are constantly having to dig for the items you need & will never be able to remember all that is in there. If you can see it, you will use it. We love to set up a makeup drawer or use makeup organizers for countertops.
♡ Have fun!
When I organized Lauryn’s skincare we used cheeky labels & color-coded things so it looked good on her Instagram feed, while also maintaining functionality.
x, lauryn
The post How To Organize Skincare In Your Bathroom appeared first on The Skinny Confidential.