Feel good workouts to get you ready for Spring/ Summer. The outdoor edition with Ben Lucas.
Feel good workouts to get you ready for Spring/ Summer. The outdoor edition with Ben Lucas.
When we last spoke to fitness junkie and workout expert Ben Lucas of Flow Athletic we spoke about HIIT and weight training when it comes to getting toned and fit for summer.
Also known as High Intensity Interval Training, HIIT combined with weight training, is one of the most time efficient ways to lose weight and tone up, giving you lots of bang for your buck.
From the indoor training sessions in our last post, we head outside with Ben this time around. While these workouts run for 10 minutes each, repeat the circuit twice or three times for a longer, more intense body burner. Set your HIIT timer for 50 seconds on, 10 seconds rest to sweat it out.
Each exercise includes a level up version if you are feeling like a challenge. Complete as many reps as possible in each round and don’t forget to drink plenty of water throughout.
Mountain Climbers – In a high plank position hike your knees up towards your chest one at a time. Engage through the core and keep the arms straight but not locked.
Level Up – to complete stability ball mountain climbers, place your hands on either side of the stability ball and assume a push up position. Hike the knees up to the chest whilst balancing the hands on the ball and repeat until the end of the round.
Alternating Lunges – Start by standing tall with your hands on your hips. Step one foot forward and sink down until the front calf is 90 degrees to the mat. Engage though the glutes to stand back up straight and repeat for the other side.
Level Up – Incorporate a jump between each lunge and make each leg change quickly and efficiently.
Relay Runs – Mark out a point that is 50 meters away and run to the point and back until 50 seconds is up.
Level Up – Same but sprint on the way back.
Sumo Squats – Stand with the feet just over hip width apart and squat down engaging the glutes and core before straightening up again. Repeat.
Level Up – Crab Walk. With a proud chest, straight back and feet just wider than hip width apart, lower down into a sumo squat position. Shuffle the feet to the left 10 paces and then to the right. Do not stand up until the end of the round.
Crunch – Lying face up on your mat, with your knees bent and feel flat on the floor, place the hands behind the head and engage the core as you lift the chest halfway up the knees and then lower back down. Repeat.
Level Up – Crunch while balancing on a stability ball. Stability ball crunches make your back pre-stretch at the start of the movement, making it harder to start the crunch.
Lunge to the right side – Start in standing with the feet hip width apart before stepping the right foot out as wide as possible. Engage through the right heel and drop your hips down and back while keeping the left leg straight. Push through the right quads to straighten back up into standing and repeat.
Level Up – Lunge to the right side while holding a dumbbell.
Lunge to the left side – Start in standing with the feet hip width apart before stepping the left foot out as wide as possible. Engage through the left heel and drop your hips down and back while keeping the right leg straight. Push through the right quads to straighten back up into standing and repeat.
Level Up – Lunge to the left side while holding a dumbbell.
Plank – Lye face down on the ground with the hands under the shoulders. Push yourself up through the arms and keep your body in a straight line from head to toes. Hold this position for the duration of this round.
Level Up – Add an incline. Make your plank even harder by placing your feet on a step or park bench. By raising your feet your body will need to work harder to maintain stability. Hold this position for the duration of this round.
Jumping Jacks – Jump the feet out as far as possible from standing whilst positioning the arms overhead at 45 degrees. Then simultaneously lower the arms and jump the feet in before repeating the movement.
Level Up – Perform jumping jacks while wearing ankle weights and holding dumbbells to feel the burn though your legs and arms.
High Knees – Begin in standing with feet hip width apart. Hike the knees up to belly button height one at a time until the end of the round.
Level Up – Complete 8 high knees followed by 3 burpees and repeat until the end of the round.