Beware! There Are Fake McDonald’s Online Delivery Websites
Beware! There Are Fake McDonald’s Online Delivery Websites
McDonald’s Philippines has warned its customers about two fake websites posing as McDonald’s online food delivery websites.
In a Facebook post posted on September 20, Mcdonald’s issued a statement and a warning about using the fake websites, also known as phishing websites. The advisory also advised that the official website of McDonald’s is and for its customers to transact only with its verified and official websites. The post stressed that these fake websites are not related or recognized by McDonald’s.
[facebook:][/facebook]What is a phishing website? Websites such as these fake McDonald’s websites are basically fraudulent websites that seek to gather your personal information. In this case, it is your personal information and payment details. This is all done through deception, usually by masquerading as the official website of a reputable company. It may be a fake website but it can also be a text message, an email, or even a social network link on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.