Home Recipes Filipino Cooking and Recipes Quezon City to Limit Purchase of Goods During ECQ

Quezon City to Limit Purchase of Goods During ECQ


Quezon City to Limit Purchase of Goods During ECQ

Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte said Wednesday local authorities would limit the number of essential goods a person can buy during the two-week ECQ to avoid panic buying and hoarding.

From Aug. 6-20, Quezon City residents can buy at most five cans of sardines per brand per person, while other canned goods like corned beef is limited to 10 cans per brand per person, among others.

Belmonte said there would be enough food supply in the city as deliveries of goods remain unhampered during lockdown.

The city will also revive the use of quarantine passes, limited to one person per household, preferably to a fully-vaccinated individual or those who are not classified as authorized persons outside residence (APOR).

Liquor ban will also be implemented during ECQ, she said.




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