Home Recipes International Cooking and Recipes 6 Easy Chicken Broth Substitutes That Will Save Your Dinner

6 Easy Chicken Broth Substitutes That Will Save Your Dinner


6 Easy Chicken Broth Substitutes That Will Save Your Dinner

As someone who doesn’t eat most canned (or cubed) stocks and broths—they can be overly salty—and usually is too lazy to make them from scratch, I find myself often cooking without stocks and broth. Or sometimes, I’ve run out of homemade chicken broth or store-bought vegetable broth and don’t have time to re-stock before I begin cooking.

You’re probably wondering how in the world that’s possible, since so many recipes use broth and stock. Instead of flavorless food, though, I use simple combinations of water, fresh ingredients, and various add-ins (from kombu and bonito to coffee and beer) to produce flavorful broth substitutes whenever a recipe calls for vegetables, beef, or chicken stock. I get to be more in control of the end result of the dish this way. Paul Bertolli knows what I’m talking about.



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