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How to customize Instagram suggested posts


How to customize Instagram suggested posts

Instagram icon.

Are suggested posts clogging up your Instagram feed? You’ve come to the right place.

You can typically recognize a suggested post in your Instagram feed because it’s posted by an account you don’t follow. A suggested post will also feature a reason above the post for why it’s appeared in your feed. Instagram determines suggested posts through what posts you like and comment on, what accounts you follow, and how other people are interacting with the post.

If you don’t like suggested posts interrupting the content your friends are posting, you have two options: You can customize posts suggested to you or you can snooze suggested posts for 30 days. Until Instagram unveils the option to turn off suggested posts, that’s the best you can do. We will walk you through both ways to manage suggested posts.

How to customize your suggested posts:

1. Tap the three dots in the right-hand corner of a suggested post

You can identify a suggested post because it will be labeled “Suggested post” or it will have a description of why it is on your feed above the post. The username that posted the suggested post will also have the follow button next to it.

screenshot of a suggested post
Tap the three dots.
Credit: Screenshot: Instagram

2. Tap “Not Interested”

instagram screenshot selecting not interested on suggested post
Select “Not Interested.”
Credit: Screenshot: Instagram

3. Tap “Don’t suggest posts related to”

instagram screenshot for hiding suggested posts
Now your suggested posts will better suit your interests.
Credit: Screenshot: Instagram

How to snooze suggested posts:

1. Tap the three dots in the upper right hand corner of a suggested post

instagram screenshot of suggested post
Tap the three dots.
Credit: Screenshot: Instagram

2. Select “Not Interested”

instagram screenshot selecting not interested on suggested post
Tap “Not Interested”
Credit: Screenshot: Instagram

3. Tap “Snooze all suggested posts in feed for 30 days”

instagram screenshot red arrow pointing to option hide post in feed for 30 days
Now your suggested posts will be snoozed.
Credit: Screenshot: Instagram

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