The Mets-Yankees game was filled with cardboard cutouts and some Very Good Pups
The Mets-Yankees game was filled with cardboard cutouts and some Very Good Pups

It was Saturday night at the Mets’ Citi Field stadium in New York City, and the crowd was hushed.
It wasn’t a particularly tense moment in the Mets-versus-Yankees scrimmage that had the heads dotting the stands holding their collective breath, but rather the fact that the cardboard cutouts that have replaced real attendees in the age of the coronavirus have no breath to hold. Oh yeah, and then there were the dogs.
In an effort to prevent televised baseballs games from looking too depressing, the New York Mets announced earlier in July that (for a price) it would put pictures of fans in stadium seats. Some fans seized on the opportunity to get their favorite fur ball in on their presumably favorite pastime by paying for cardboard cutouts of their dog to be placed in the stadium stands. Read more…
More about Dogs, Baseball, New York Mets, Coronavirus, and Culture