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NAIA building on lockdown due to Covid-19


NAIA building on lockdown due to Covid-19

THE offices of the Task Force Against Trafficking (TFAT) at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) were placed on a 14-day lockdown after four of its personnel tested positive for the Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).

The building, a few hundred meters away from the NAIA Terminal 1, where the TFAT personnel hold office, was subjected to immediate disinfection and cleansing procedures during the 14-day period as preventive measures.

All personnel and the general public are prohibited from entering the premises from July 8 until July 22.

The four TFAT personnel had undergone PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Swab Testing at the Philippine General Hospital on July 2, 2020.

Government agencies concerned at the NAIA conducted contact tracing of those who may have been in close contact and dealt with the four NAIA-TFAT personnel.

The closure order came from the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT) of the Department of Justice (DoJ).

The four TFAT personnel’s nature of work at the NAIA are assisting repatriations, conduct regular surveillance activities, among others.

All TFAT personnel, including those other 18 staff who also underwent PCR Swab Test in PGH on July 2 were ordered to undergo strict self-quarantine measures for 14 days, to observe for any health symptoms, likewise, during the 14-day lockdown period.

All existing work assignments, as far as practicable, would be done from their respective homes where everyone is expected to be on call for urgent matters or concern.

Meanwhile, the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) General Manager Ed Monreal said they conducted a disinfection after confirming reports from the DoJ that four personnel from the TFAT were positive for Covid-19.

The MIAA, he said, are doing the necessary preventive and safety measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

The MIAA placed signs of closure order to the TFAT offices for the information of other persons who are seeking for information and other inquiries.


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