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Naga City Vet Office, rolls off house to house dog vaccination


Naga City Vet Office, rolls off house to house dog vaccination

NAGA CITY, July 17 (PIA) – While the city government focuses its campaign against the spread of COVID-19 virus, City Veterinary Officer Dr. Junius Elad continue to push house- to- house dog vaccination to ensure that cases of rabies will not add up to the current burden that the local government needs to keep an eye on.

Dr. Elad said that the City Veterinary Office had been conducting various activities under the city’s Rabies Control and Eradication Program.

“On top of other anti-rabies campaign, is our house- to- house dog vaccination.  From January up to June this year, we have already vaccinated 4,925 dogs in Naga City.  We are really trying our best since we believe that the higher the percentage of vaccinated dogs, the higher the protection is for the community,” Elad said.

The City Vet office is also sweeping the roads clean of stray goods which are possible rabies carriers. Some other active programs include dog registration, dog impoundment and castration of dogs and cats for free, among others.

“I think we have three cases of rabies last year – in Panicuason, Carolina and Sta. Cruz.  If I recall it right we have one fatality from rabies in the upland area according to Dr. Butch Borja. This year we have 2 canine rabies cases- at Villa Karangahan and Bagumbayan Norte.  The bites did not result to death since the dogs were vaccinated. So let me remind our community that rabies is 100% preventable but 100% non treatable,” Elad added.

On the proliferation of stray dogs on the street, Elad explained that their dog-catching activity was temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  As precaution, the City Vet team is also on the look for COVID-hotspots and avoids going to lockdown areas.  More so, their personnel, while conducting their house to house vaccination are also observing the health protocols, like wearing of gloves, face mask and other safety precautions.

Elad also emphasized that they are using the catching net to take the dogs off the road so as not to violate the animal welfare act.

He then enjoined all animal/ pet owners to be responsible. He emphasized that being responsible is to ensure that their pets are vaccinated, groomed and properly kept away from the roads.  (LSMacatangay, with report from BRivera-PIAV/Camarines Sur)


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